Sharing gRPC protobufs between microservices

Jozef Cipa
3 min readFeb 23, 2020


People as microservices contributing to society (What an analogy came to my mind at 1.30 am 😅)

If you work with gRPC you need to find a way of sharing proto files across individual microservices. I just got into this “gRPC-and-microservices” thing recently and had to research and learn everything so now I want to share how I tackled it.

When I started looking for possible options I found out some people were using a mono repository for keeping all microservices code and proto definitions in one place. I was considering this solution as well because sharing of proto files seemed very easy as you don’t have to care about inconsistencies as you would if you shared the same files across several separate projects (okay, I know you wouldn’t do that, let’s just pretend I never said that). But then I realized that the whole repo could easily get pretty big and intricate. I don’t have a lot of experience with monorepos and I was also afraid of how would it work with multiple languages (dependencies management, deployment, …). Besides that, I don’t actually like monorepos 🙅‍♂️.

So, let’s do it differently

After browsing the internet extensively and talking with my colleague (thank you Ondrej) I think I found a solution I am happy with. The idea is to have one separate repository which only holds all protobuf definition files and so it’s a transparent and the only source of truth. Let’s call it mycoolproject-proto . Then, there are repositories that will contain generated code stubs for a specific language. If our microservices are written in Go and Node.js we could create repositories mycoolproject-proto-go and mycoolproject-proto-nodejs respectively. Next, we would addmycool-proto-{lang} library as a git submodule to our microservice project and voilà, we’re done.

The main tool that does all the magic is called Prototool. It’s a “Swiss Army Knife for Protocol Buffers” as they promote it. Since building our protofiles directly with protoc is pain, here comes prototool to rescue. It gives us the possibility not only to generate stubs but also lint the code, format it so it complies to a specified standard and also check for breaking changes, making us sure our API never breaks. With proper plugins, generating documentation is also just a breeze.

Now, how it all works together:

  1. You push your proto files into mycoolproject-proto repository. This repository has a CI/CD pipeline set up so it starts a build process.
  2. In the build process, we specify what languages we want to generate stubs for and then it just runs a prepared docker image which lints and builds our proto files.
  3. Once the language stubs are generated, it automatically creates a new git tag and pushes everything to a predefined repository (e.g.mycoolproject-proto-nodejs).
Generated Node.js stubs

Now we can add this repository as a git submodule in our application and start using generated gRPC library. And since it has tags, we can always specify which version we want.

Source proto repository:

Generated stubs repository:



Jozef Cipa

Backend developer and AWS Solutions Architect @ STRV